Are German shepherds dangerous, friendly or aggressive?

                              Are German shepherds dangerous, friendly or aggressive?

Are German shepherds dangerous, friendly or aggressive?

German shepherds make exceptional guard 
dogs and are the perfect breed for personal protection dogs as they're loyal protective highly intelligent and trainable they're also very athletic strong and active animals which would ward off unwanted visitors and attacker if necessary. 

Most dog breeds were initially bred for a specific purpose role or job and as the name suggests the German shepherd is a herding dog initially bred to herd and look after sheep or other livestock even after centuries of breeding certain traits and behaviors are deeply embedded into the nature and genetics of the German shepherd Gsds therefore are still working dogs at heart and as hurting dogs they work very closely with their owners forming a close bond and becoming very loyal to them. 

Are German shepherds dangerous, friendly or aggressive?

The German shepherd would not only herd the sheep and livestock but would also fiercely guard and protect their family if needed as a result the breed would need to be loyal trainable obedient protective strong and intelligence in order to fill its role of shepherd and protector as times changed and there was less of a demand for herding and agricultural work.

German shepherds adapted into becoming police dogs as many of their obedient behaviors made it the perfect role for them too as a result they're now seen more as guard dogs and personal protection dogs than herding animals guard dogs by definition are working dogs that are typically naturally intelligent easily trained and protective of their owners.

Are German shepherds dangerous, friendly or aggressive?

There are also different types of guard dogs for example you can have alarm guard dogs that will be trained to bark in an intimidating way to ward off potential threats while alerting their owner that there's an imminent threat German shepherds make good alarm dogs as they have very good hearing and very deep threatening and loud barks you can also have attack dogs that will be trained to attack on command these dogs will always be looking to their owner for instruction and are usually trained professionally for police or military service however these dogs should not be owned as personal pets as they can be dangerous and require an experienced dog handler as very intelligent dogs that can be trained to a high standard. 

German shepherds also make good attack dogs and finally there are century guard dogs which are usually owned in order to look after a home or large property such as a farm these dogs will roam take laps and watch out for any potential threats they may bark to alert you of intruders or to ward them off and can also attack or defend the property when faced with a threat or danger in order to have a well-rounded and trained guard dog your German shepherd will need to be properly socialized well-mannered manageable and happy you'll also have to expose your gsd to a range of people situations and other animals in order to train them properly .  

Are German shepherds dangerous, friendly or aggressive?

Are German shepherds dangerous, friendly or aggressive?